Friday, July 3, 2009


We´re in la costa Blanca in the town of Denia / Javea where Liza was born and spent her first years. It is muy tranquillo here - really the only thing we have to do each day is get down to the beach and swim out to the yellow booies and back. Most of my headspace is taken with wondering how one spells ¨buoys¨ and other such pressing questions. The sun is scorching down on us from the moment we get up until around 10 pm - just the way I like it. Some of the most beautiful sunsets I´ve seen and how nice it is to take the time each day to watch the sun fall over claras (light beer with fanta). I´ll post pictures soon of the amazing house Liza´s dad built up above the sea on La Plana. We haven´t left on our bike trip yet since we´ve been enjoying ourselves so much and we´re here with great company. But every so often we talk about planning our route. Looks like we´re modifying our plan - heading first to the Basque country in northwestern Spain then across the pyrenees to Bordeaux then to brittany, paris, and belgium/nederlands. We´re thinking we´d rather enjoy ourselves and keep with our new-found tranquillo lifestyle rather than boogeying all the way so we can make it to norway. Being here is reawakening a desire deep inside of me to live in a foreign country and to learn another language and assume another lifestyle. I always want to do what I can to pack as many lives as I can into this one and expatriating seems like a perfect way to do that. People in spain move very slowly, are mostly concerned with where and what the next meal will be, taking plenty of naps, and only strating their evening after midnight. Music here doesn´t start until after 2! I just missed a burningman-esque fiesta in Javea, but Denia´s fiesta begins tonight with fire and music and all generations gathering to celebrate life and release old spirits. I´m hungry and so is the proprietor of this internet cafe, so I´m gonna keep moving. I´ll check back in soon, but for now let me leave you with my new mantra that has come in handy biking up the steep and treacherous port road with fully loaded panniers:

Y no barrando; porque no peudemos alto.
-something like "and we don´t stop cause we can´t stop."


  1. Sounds miraculoso. Have yourself a muy magnifico time, and do keep us posted - we live vicariously through you...

  2. you're making me miss espana! give liza a huge beso for me.

  3. miss you guys a lot, wish i were in the land of men with mullets and wine and cheese, what could be better really? i love me a mullet god knows...taj and django were fighting tonight (surprise!) and django said he did not liking rythming and taj said "i am gonna tell tia liza when she gets back!!"

    love che
