Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pyrenees and immediately thereafter

The formatting of loading pictures onto blogspot eludes me......so the last picture is meant to be first.
The last pic is a view from midway up our summit of the Pyrenees with Liza in the foreground and the valley where we slept the night before out in the distance. Our climb was about two hours, not counting the steady climbing we had done for the week prior. We spent the night with a Basque family Liza befriended who were hilarious and generous and altogether unforgettable. If you don't know who the Basque are, look em up.
Next is a view from the top of the french side of the pyrenees with its winding shear drops and the dichotomy of the landscapes of Spain and France beginning to be clear to us.
Our descent from the pyrenees was in the thickest fog either liza or i had ever experienced. you couldn't see ten feet ahead of you and we were soaked through within a few minutes. All the same it was amazing and beautiful, even if i did have to change my front break pads the next day b/c they got entirely worn through in the descent. We spent the day and night inside the tent being ridiculous and having a fantastic time. hopefully i can load up a video of one of our broadcasts from the tent.
the next shot is from an indescribeable canyon we hiked through. indescribeable is probably the only word one can use to describe that.
and finally a small example of some flowers growing along the roads we've been rolling....

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